About Us


Growing up, we both spent all of our childhood in the outdoors. I spent most of my younger years hiking, camping, and riding 4-wheelers before competitive soccer took over most of my free time. Justin grew up bow hunting, competing in competitive archery competitions, and fishing with his dad.

Now, we have a son that will get to experience all of our outdoor adventures with us! He got to experience his first hunt at only 3 months old and absolutely loved it. We fully believe integrating the love for the outdoors into the future generations is what it's all about!

The second biggest aspect of our life is our love for the Lord. We fully believe when you are in the outdoors you are the closest to God, which is why we wanted to implement this into our outdoor apparel company. 

“Hunters do more to help wildlife than any other group in America,” said Chris DePerno, a professor of fisheries and wildlife at the College of Natural Resources. As regular, public land hunters, conservation is a huge aspect of our world. We believe this is very important in maintaining biodiversity within the wildlife. Conservation is a critical part in our future as hunters as well as all of the future generations. 

We are so glad you are here and hope you follow along to see our next adventure in apparel! 

Owners- Justin and Grace Smit